"William, pick up the DSR-1 so you can point at 4 Girls from PLMS B17"
— Shiori Kanzaki while she is playable

The DSR-1 is a compact bolt-action rifle designed, manufactured and marketed by the German company DSR-Precision GmbH and was (until 2004) marketed also by the German company AMP Technical Services as a specialized sniper rifle for police sharpshooters. It has been adopted by the German GSG 9 counter-terrorist unit, as well as by other European special police units and agencies.

Country Germany
Ranges Long range, Close Quarters, Short range
Tags DSR-50
Users Shiori Kanzaki
William Ye
Bero 'Kusovai
Damage High, Powerful Very High, (Instant death in Battlefield 2 Combat Evolved)


The PLMS B17 classmate named Connie Hu, Abbey Powers, Tate goff and Angela Kenney is unable to pick up the DSR-1 in Battlefield 2 Combat Evolved. In Pine Lake, Only William and Shiori Kanzaki are equipped with it and will become unusable prior to their deaths. if the B17 classmate girls chases Shiori Kanzaki and William Ye.

Changes to Battlefield 2 Combat Evolved to Battlefield 2 Combat Evolved Euro Forces[]

  • In Battlefield 2 CE, The DSR-1 has a muzzle glow, , a far less defined edge and makes a dull power when striking an object. It is only used by Shiori Kanzaki and William Ye. The PLMS B17 classmate named Connie Hu, Abbey Powers, Tate Goff and Angela Kenney cannot wield the weapon due to the failsafe mechanism device that destroys the weapon upon killing the sniper-wielder.
  • In Battlefield 2 CEEF, the weapon cannot be destroyed by host



  • The sniper rifle has other finish colors sliver, black and default.
  • William Ye and Shiori Kanzaki is the only notable snipers to use the DSR-1.